Popular performer Matti Caspi says he won't perform after 'Green Pass' restrictions reinstated; 'I won’t cooperate with dictatorship or fascism'

As of next Thursday, Israelis will once again need to present proof of vaccination or recovery from COVID, or a negative test, to attend certain events

Israel reinstates Green Pass system for indoor events with over 100 attendees; fines come into effect for businesses that don't enforce rules, including that customers wear masks

With morbidity soaring, minister Nitzan Horowitz to push for reintroducing Green Pass system for events of over 100 people to avoid further restrictions in the future

If approved, guests at large indoor events will be required to present a vaccination certificate or a negative test; health officials said to feel step insufficient

Proposal follows calls for isolation period to be shortened to encourage people to keep it, as well as reducing burden on parents of unvaccinated young children

Serious cases stay steady; hospitals warn lack of funding means there may not be enough doctors if outbreak spreads; cabinet set to discuss return of some form of Green Pass system

PM warns Green Pass system barring unvaccinated from some public spaces could be reintroduced; active cases have multiplied by 10 since June 18, alongside almost no new deaths

Serious cases climb to 29; over 16,000 vaccine doses administered Wednesday amid race to inoculate children and teens

Health officials reportedly considering return of ‘Green Pass’ system; Interior Minister Shaked warns incoming, outgoing flights could be halted; hospitalization rates remain low
