Far-right MKs protest timing of cellular company's pause of service, which coincided with Arab Israeli and Palestinian general strike to protest Gaza operation

Har Gilo community demands defense minister abort proposal to keep some 200 tourists isolated at local military academy over coronavirus fears

Brussels' new foreign policy czar reissues statement denouncing West Bank construction after first version could be read to imply it isn't all illegal under international law

Majority of units green-lighted through various planning stages are outside generally accepted West Bank 'blocs'

Majority of those to be green-lit through various planning stages are outside the generally accepted 'blocs'; number lower than 3,000 promised by PM last week

Bloc says settlement activity 'erodes the viability of the two-state solution and the prospects for a lasting peace'

Majority of units to be constructed deep in West Bank; projects approved for Jordan Valley outpost legalized by cabinet and town hit by terror attack

Building on effort started two years ago with formation of pioneering club for gay youth, Efrat municipality now offering assistance to their families as well

Suspects allegedly roughly handled infants in their care; husband of one of the accused says claims made by vengeful workers who were fired

Parents eagerly attend gathering at West Bank outpost seeking tools to help children struggling with their sexuality, but municipal officials not on board with initiative