Researchers using artwork analysis find that a disabled child has a positive effect on family, correlating with higher scores on empathy and closeness, less conflict and rivalry

Scientists begin tagging specimens for research, warn public to stay away, though intrepid divers are expected to frequent underwater site

University of Haifa researchers devise experiment that shows a hand's grasp syncs romantic partners' brains, mitigating feeling of pain; holding hands with a stranger doesn't do it

Technion drops to 95 from 77, but is still among the world's top 100 institutions; Hebrew U falls to 101-150 bracket, joining Weizmann Institute, in prestigious academic ranking

The eastern Mediterranean shore will be a 'real-world laboratory' for the next generation of oceanography professionals

Meduzot B'Am is part of a new citizen science project to help researchers map, track and study the marine creatures and improve their public image
