Military reporter Emanuel Fabian on fighting in north, tactics in Gaza and border control; political reporter Tal Schneider on unity government and how Israel once propped up Hamas

The fate of some 130 Israelis abducted and taken to the Strip remains uncertain, leaving friends and relatives in a nightmarish limbo

Terror group member in Doha says 'military operation is continuing' and there will be no negotiations on captives until it ends

In a frantic search for her daughter, who attended the Supernova music festival and hasn't been seen since Saturday's terror attacks, Ahuva Maizel appeals to the possible captors

Editor David Horovitz speaks about calls for an emergency unity government; diplomatic correspondent Lazar Berman updates us on continued gunfights in Israel

Rachel and David were held captive in their Ofakim home by 5 gunmen from Gaza Strip for 15 hours, as their son waited outside, until security forces burst in to save them

Military correspondent Emanuel Fabian, diplomatic correspondent Lazar Berman and Arab affairs reporter Gianluca Pacchiani give a 360-degree look at the war and its fallout

Editor David Horovitz on Yesh Atid head Yair Lapid's call for an emergency unity government; military correspondent Emanuel Fabian gives a timeline on today's events

Unconfirmed reports say 52 Israelis taken into Gaza Strip; several vehicles, including an IDF tank and 2 Magen David Adom ambulances captured; EU says hostage-taking abhorrent
