Defendants, including party officials, admit to charges as part of plea bargain; will get suspended sentences, fines and community service

13 defendants expected to confess to charges as part of plea bargain, receive suspended sentences, fines and community service

Former Balad lawmaker will reportedly receive suspended sentence and pay a fine for misrepresenting party's finances

AG says he won't indict other senior officials in Balad party, despite believing they're guilty, due to the potential harm to its supporters

International court rejects request for judicial review of decision to not investigate Marmara deaths, though it admits errors made by Fatou Bensouda in reaching conclusion

The secular Arab nationalist party is opposed to exclusively Jewish statehood, has long courted controversy with members such as Azmi Bishara, Hanin Zoabi and Basel Ghattas

Attorney general reportedly intends to indict 35 additional suspects in Balad party over alleged multi-million shekel scheme