National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir responded on Thursday to the Shin Bet placing blame on him for the release of the director of Shifa Hospital due to overcrowded prison conditions. To his credit, since he entered his position, Ben-Gvir has dramatically changed the formerly cushy conditions of Israeli jails for terrorists, where in the past they used to receive satisfying meals, earn a college degree and buy a choice of snacks at the canteen. An Israeli wrote on X on Tuesday: “You can like Ben-Gvir or not but you can’t argue with the fact that he sets a proper standard in the prisons for terrorists.

At the end of a public battle against the Defense Ministry and the IDF, the Public Council for Commemoration of Fallen Soldiers ruled almost unanimously on Tuesday that the family of fallen soldier Yisrael Yudkin, H’yd, should be allowed to inscribe the acronym of the words השם יקום דמו on his matzeivah. The 20 members of the Public Council for Commemoration of Fallen Soldiers discussed the request of the Yudkin family, which was joined by other religious families of fallen soldiers, and approved the request with a vote of 19 against 1.

Former President Donald Trump’s lawyers have asked the New York judge who presided over his hush money trial to set aside his conviction and delay his sentencing, scheduled for next week. The letter to Judge Juan M. Merchan cited the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling earlier Monday on presidential immunity and asked the judge to delay Trump’s sentencing while he weighs the high court’s decision and how it could influence the New York case, according to the letter obtained by The Associated Press. The lawyers argue that the Supreme Court’s decision confirmed a position the defense raised earlier in the case that prosecutors should have been precluded from introducing some evidence they said constituted official presidential acts, according to the letter.

Hunter Biden, the convicted felon and crack-addicted son of President Joe Biden, has been attending meetings with his father and senior White House staff since Monday evening, according to four sources familiar with the matter who spoke to NBC News. Sources close to the White House revealed that Hunter Biden has been advising his father since the family gathered at Camp David over the weekend.

A federal lawsuit has been filed in the US against Iran, Syria, and North Korea on behalf of 125 victims of the October 7 Hamas terror attack, seeking at least $4 billion in damages. The lawsuit, organized by the Anti-Defamation League and Crowell & Moring LLP, alleges that the three countries provided material support to Hamas, enabling the attack that killed 1,200 people and took 251 hostages. The plaintiffs, including US citizens injured in the attack and relatives of those killed, accuse the three countries of providing financial, military, and tactical support to Hamas. The US government has designated Iran, Syria, and North Korea as state sponsors of terrorism.

Seriously overdue credit card debt is at the highest level in more than a decade, and people 35 and under are struggling more than other age groups to pay their bills. The share of credit card debt that’s severely delinquent, defined as being more than 90 days overdue, rose to 10.7% during the first quarter of 2024, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. A year ago, just 8.2% of credit card debt was severely delinquent. If you’re experiencing delinquency, or at risk of it, experts advise speaking with a nonprofit credit counselor and negotiating with your creditors directly. Here’s what you should know: WHAT SHOULD I DO IF I’M AT RISK OF DELINQUENCY?

There was widespread outrage among government ministers when reports on Tuesday morning said that infrastructure work has begun in the Gaza Strip to connect a water desalination and sewage treatment facility water to Israel’s electrical grid. Channel 12 reported that it obtained a document showing that Defense Minister Yoav Gallant approved the work, calling it “a basic humanitarian need” in order to prevent the spread of disease. Finance Minister Betzalel Smotrich responded to the reports by stating: “We’ve lost it completely. We are rebuilding Gaza with our own hands – before demilitarization. Mr.

Police in upstate New York tackled and then shot a 13-year-old boy to death after he pointed what turned out to be a BB gun at officers during a foot chase. Utica officials released body camera footage of Friday night’s shooting on Saturday and held a contentious public meeting attended by the teen’s family and other members of their local refugee community. The state attorney general’s office is investigating and the police officers involved have been placed on leave, as is protocol during such shootings. Here’s what you need to know. What happened? The shooting happened at around 10 p.m. on a residential street in Utica, an old industrial city about 240 miles (400 kilometers) northwest of Manhattan that sits along the Mohawk River at the foot of the Adirondack Mountains.

HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Zilberstein, who serves as the Rosh Kollel of Beis Dovid in the city of Holon, was forced to inform his kollel members that he can no longer pay them a monthly stipend. The step follows the revocation of funds to yeshivos and kollelim in accordance with the decision of Attorney-General Gali Baharav-Miara and the Supreme Court. HaRav Zilberstein wrote in the letter that the “kupas hakollel” is empty…and whoever remains in Kollel Beis Dovid should know that unfortunately there are no funds for stipends. And Hashem Yisbarach should do good with those who show goodness to talmidei chachamim.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

Former President Donald Trump’s sentencing in his hush money case has been postponed to September after the judge agreed Tuesday to weigh the possible impact of a new Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity. Trump had been scheduled to face sentencing July 11 on his New York conviction on felony charges of falsifying business records. He denies any wrongdoing. The postponement sets the sentencing for Sept. 18, well after the Republican National Convention, where Trump is set formally to accept the party’s nomination for president in this year’s race. The convention runs from July 15 to 18.
