Roof Collapses At California Casino, Multiple People InjuredGARDENA, Calif. — Several people were injured when a roof collapsed at a casino in Gardena Monday.
The incident occurred at ‘Larry Flynt’s Lucky Lady’ Casino — located at 1045 Rosecrans Avenue.
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 Trump Digs In, Slams “ANTI-SEMITES” AOC, Somali Omar, Palestinian TlaibUnbowed by searing criticism, President Donald Trump on Monday emphatically defended his tweet calling on four Democratic congresswomen of color to go back to their “broken and crime infested” countries.

 Two Israelis Mistakenly Enter A PA Area & Their Vehicle Is Targeted With Rocks(PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE)
Hatzolah in Yehuda & Shomron reports that two Jews mistakenly entered the PA (Palestinian Authority) village of Dir Jarir, and making things worse, they then ran out of gas.

Court Releases Policeman Who Killed Ethiopian Solomon Tekka From House ArrestThe house arrest of the policeman who shot and killed 19-year-old Solomon Tekka, a member of Israel’s Ethiopian community, was not extended on Monday, as it was decided to permit him to remain free pending the ongoing investigation against him by the Justice Ministry Police Investigations Unit (PIU).

Will The Right Unite? Shaked Met With Ben-Gvir A Number Of TimesAyelet Shaked has been negotiating with the Bayit Yehudi and Ichud Leumi parties, and with the same plan in mind, right-wing unity, she has met several times with Itamar Ben-Gvir of the Otzma Yehudit party.
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Deals, Protests During Amazon Prime DayAmazon’s Prime Day is coming with a wave of deals – and protests.
The company’s fifth annual Prime Day now stretches two days, Monday and Tuesday, invented as an effort to try to drum up sales during sluggish summer months and sign up more users for its Prime loyalty program.
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NYC Mayor, Running For President, On Defense After BlackoutNew York’s mayor fended off criticism Monday for being in Iowa campaigning for president while Manhattan was in the grips of a major power outage.
Bill de Blasio said on MSNBC that he was in frequent contact with agencies handling the emergency and that he thinks first responders did an “incredible job.”
The Saturday night blackout darkened more than 40 square blocks of Manhattan, including Times Square.

 MinneapolisThe Siyum Presents: “Yomam V’Laylah: Minneapolis”:
Please visit for information and updates regarding the upcoming Siyum HaShas, or text siyum to 313131. If you would like to join Chavrei HaSiyum or for general inquiries about the Siyum HaShas, email
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Italy Detains 3 In Seizure Of Weapons, Missile, Nazi PlaquesPolice said the discoveries stemmed from a previous investigation into Italians who took part in the Russian-backed insurgency in eastern Ukraine.
In a statement Monday, Turin police said one of the men arrested had in 2001 run unsuccessfully as a Senate candidate for the neo-fascist Forza Nuova party.

NYC Bus Terminal’s Air Conditioning Not Working After OutageCommuters should expect a warm arrival at the Port Authority Bus Terminal in New York City.
The Port Authority says the terminal’s air conditioning system is not fully online Monday following Saturday’s power outage that left parts of Manhattan in the dark for several hours.
