Gush Etzion Area Firebombers In CustodyAs a result of Siyata Dishmaya and the efforts of soldiers from the Chatmar Etzion area, members of two terror cells responsible for area firebomb attacks over recent weeks – near Migdal Ohz and the Tunnel Highway, have B”H been apprehended.
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More Legroom, Less Conversation For Uber Riders Who PayUber is letting passengers tell their driver in advance that they’d like a little less conversation, and more legroom, if they’re willing to pay.
The ride-hailing giant launched “comfort” rides Tuesday.
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Activists Worry About Potential Abuse Of Face Scans For ICECivil rights activists complained Monday of the potential for widespread abuse following confirmation that at least three states have scanned millions of driver’s license photos on behalf of Immigration and Customs Enforcement without the drivers’ knowledge or consent.
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Adding A Lane To The Tunnel Highway To Gush EtzionThe designs are finished, the tenders have been issued and the work is about to begin. The Moriah Company is starting work this week to double Route 60.
In the first phase, the work will begin in the section between the Rosmarin Interchange and the entrance of the southern tunnel.
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Minister Of Religious Services Turns To Poland’s Interior Ministry Regarding Shul Forced Shut By ThugsAfter local thugs were hired to lockdown the Isaac Shul in Krakow as part of a monetary dispute between a Chabad shaliach and Jewish community leaders, Minister of Religious Services (Shas) Yitzchak Vaknin sent a letter on the matter to Poland’s Minister of the Interior.

Amazon, Microsoft Wage War Over The Pentagon’s ‘War Cloud’Amazon and Microsoft are battling it out over a $10 billion opportunity to build the U.S. military its first “war cloud” computing system. But Amazon’s early hopes of a shock-and-awe victory may be slipping away.
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In US 1st, Baby Is Born From Dead Donor’s WombThe Cleveland Clinic says it has delivered the first baby in North America after a womb transplant from a dead donor.
Uterine transplants have enabled more than a dozen women to give birth, usually with wombs donated from a living donor such as a friend or relative.
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Man Gets 30 Months In Prison For ‘Hate-Fueled’ Attack On Victim He Thought Was JewishIzmir Koch, 34, of Huber Heights, Ohio, was sentenced today to 30 months in prison for beating a man he believed to be Jewish outside of a Cincinnati restaurant.
Koch was convicted after a trial on Dec.

Judge Strikes Down Trump Rule Requiring TV Drug Ads To Reveal PricesA federal judge Monday blocked a major White House initiative on prescription drug costs, saying the Trump administration lacked the legal authority to require drugmakers to disclose their prices in TV ads.
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