Vaad Rabbonim On Transportation Seeking To Turn Buses To & From The Kosel Into Mehadrin LinesThe Vaad Rabbonim for Transportation on Monday morning released information to travelers on public buses to the Kosel on how to turn these lines into mehadrin lines.

 Young Boy From Monsey Struck & Killed By Bus in Beitar IllitA joyful trip to Israel for Pesach has turned to heartbreaking tragedy for a family from Monsey, New York. 3-year-old Baruch Eisenberg was struck and killed by a bus in Beitar Illit on Monday evening, Chol Hamoed.
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Outrage After Some French Protesters Urge Police SuicidesWith French police suicides on the rise, Paris authorities are investigating yellow vest protesters who encouraged police to kill themselves.
Radical protesters have clashed with police nearly every weekend for five months on the margins of largely peaceful yellow vest demonstrations demanding more help for France’s beleaguered workers, retirees and students.

Women Apprehended At Ben-Gurion Airport With Over 3.5kg Of CocaineTwo women from Peru were apprehended entering Israel on Friday evening, erev Pesach, carrying over 3.5kg (7.7 LBS.) of cocaine.
The two suspects, in their 20s, were carrying the drug on their bodies when apprehended by airport police.
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New York Outbreaks Drive US Measles Count Up To 626Outbreaks in New York state continue to drive up the number of U.S. measles cases, which are approaching levels not seen in 25 years.
Health officials say 71 more cases were reported last week, with 68 of them from New York.
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 Three Jews Arrested On Har Habayis On Monday, Chol Hamoed Pesach(VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE)
Three Jewish youths were arrested on Har Habayis on Monday, the second day of Chol Hamoed Pesach.
They were part of a group visiting the holy site and were taken into custody after prostrating themselves and reciting ‘Shema Yisrael…”, which is prohibited.

 I Am Being Warned Not To Take The Justice Ministry PortfolioCoalition negotiations are underway as Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu hopes to assemble another coalition government. As is always the case, there are always demands for the various government portfolios, with a focus on the senior posts.
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Oh No! There’s Oatmeal Cereal in the Diaper Bag! [A Pesach Halachic Analysis](by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for the Five Towns Jewish Times)
For some reason it was missed. The oatmeal cereal was left in the diaper bag. The father was doing the bedikah in the house – and the diaper bag was with his wife at his in-law’s house. 

Written Negotiations Only Between Likud & Yahadut Hatorah Until After PesachYahadut Hatorah officials have given a written list of its demands to Likud’s Yariv Levin as coalition negotiations between the parties will be limited to writing during Pesach week.
While the chareidi parties, Shas and Yahadut Hatorah, have recommended Binyamin Netanyahu receive the presidential mandate to form a coalition government, talks will not officials get underway until after Pesach.

Central Election Committee Chairman Calls For A Probe Into Election FraudChairman of the Central Election Committee Justice Chanan Meltzer has turned to Attorney General Dr. Avichai Mandelblit and Israel Police with a request to launch a probe into election fraud at polling stations.
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