Jerusalem Mayor Leon Meets With US Ambassador To Israel FriedmanOn Wednesday, the Mayor of Jerusalem, Mr. Moshe Leon, met with the US Ambassador to Israel, Mr. David Friedman, at the US Embassy in the capital.
The two discussed the work of the embassy in the city, the assistance required from the Jerusalem municipality, and joint issues of work in dialogue between the embassy and the municipality.

Pompeo Defends Trump Central America Aid CutsThe Trump administration defended on Wednesday cuts in direct aid to El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras amid a surge of migrants crossing into the U.S. the southern border. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo insisted that U.S.
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 How Did Israel’s Chareidim Vote – A City by City Breakdown67 percent of Israelis eligible to vote in yesterday’s election did so. The Percentage is quite high for Israel, and for most western countries.
Both Chareidi parties increased the number of seats that they won from the previous Knesset to this one and tied at 8 seats a piece.

Suit Filed Over Gun Controls Inspired By Synagogue ShootingGun rights groups sued Tuesday to block Pittsburgh from enforcing firearms legislation passed after a mass shooting at a synagogue, accusing city officials of blatantly defying the state’s prohibition on municipal gun regulation.
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 Watch This Williamsburg Anti-Vaxxer “Community Activist” Give Media InterviewIsaac Abraham, a Williamsburg “community activist”, who has been giving media interviews for years and years, called Mayor DeBlasio some choice words in this interview.
For reasons unknown, the media has been going to Abraham for statements for decades, as if he was appointed by the community, when in fact, he is speaking for himself.

Shas MK Margi Accuses Yahadut Hatorah Of Trying To Grab Shas VotersShas MK Yaakov Margi had harsh words for his chareidi partners in Knesset, Yahadut Hatorah, blaming the ashkenazi chareidi party of “playing in our arena” during elections, trying to grab away Shas voters to get them to vote Yahadut Hatorah.

Statement from Agudath Israel of America on the Measles Outbreak and “Infectious Hatred”Agudath Israel of America is deeply concerned about the recent outbreak of measles and the threat it poses to communities around the country.
For that reason, countless rabbinical figures and leaders, including leading rabbis in the Agudath Israel movement and doctors serving these communities, have repeatedly encouraged vaccination in the strongest possible terms.

 Badatz Eida Chareidis Pesach Hotline Operational(PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE)
The badatz Eida Chareidis Pesach hotline is operational, with one able to receive a response in Hebrew, Yiddish and English. The number of 972-2-670-0200.
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 1 Dead, 15 Injured In North Carolina Gas Explosion [VIDEOS]A gas explosion that partially collapsed a North Carolina building and set it ablaze Wednesday morning killed one person and injured more than a dozen others, police said.
Police cars blocked the streets near the explosion in downtown Durham and a thick, acrid smoke hung over the shopping district created from remodeled tobacco warehouses.

 Man Opens Emergency Exit, Tries To Jump Off El Al Flight After Landing At JFKA passenger on El Al flight LY001 traveling from Israel to JFK opened one of the plane’s emergency doors and attempted to jump off the plane on Wednesday. The plane had just landed in New York.
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