Are Hunger-Striking Terrorists Imprisoned In Israel Secretly Eating?Hamas terrorists imprisoned in Israel last week announced they are beginning a hunger strike in protest over harshening of conditions. However, it appears that they are eating in secret, News12 reported on Wednesday.
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 Councilman Yeger Re-Opens Boro Park Street Closed By ConEdNYC Councilman Kalman Yeger got fed up with ConEd blocking a street in his district and tossed their barricades aside. Then he got into it with ConEd on Twitter.
The incident occurred Wednesday at 44th street and 15th Avenue in Borough Park.
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 Satmar Beis Medrash In Bnei Brak Vandalized In Connection With Election Machlokes(PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE)
A Satmar beis medrash located on Nechemia Street in Bnei Brak was targeted by vandals on Wednesday evening, apparently surrounding an election-related machlokes.

Acting Pentagon Chief Makes Renewed Pitch For Space ForceThe acting defense secretary is making a renewed pitch to Congress for authority to create a Space Force as a separate branch of the military.
Patrick Shanahan, who’s been heading the Pentagon on an interim basis since Jan.
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Infant R”L Niftar In Assaf HaRofeh HospitalInfant Shalom Dov Ber Rosen Z”L was niftar on Thursday morning after being transported to Assaf HaRofeh Hospital in Rishon L’Tzion.
An ambulance was summoned to Tzemach Tzedek Street in Kfar Chabad on Wednesday morning, after the 6-month-old infant was found unconscious.
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 Satmar Paper “Der Yid” Publishes Editorial In ENGLISH Blasting Anti-VaxxersThe Der Yid Newspaper (affiliated with the Satmar community of Williamsburg) printed a strong editorial against the anti-vaxxers. The newspaper also took the rare step of printing it in English.

3 Big NY Hospital Systems, Nurses Reach Tentative AgreementThree of New York’s biggest hospital systems have reached a tentative agreement with nurses.
The New York Times says the four-year contract agreement reached on Tuesday would affect the Mount Sinai, NewYork-Presbyterian and Montefiore hospital systems.
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How Much Did Knesset Elections Cost The State?Elections for 21st Knesset are over, and the question remains is how much did the election cost the nation? The various political parties entering the 21st Knesset will now receive funding based on their size.
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What Portfolios Are In Deri’s Sights?It appears that even after the counting of the IDF votes, the Shas party remains with eight seats and will be the third largest party in the new Knesset. This will undoubtedly lead party chairman, Minister Aryeh Deri, to present Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu with a hefty list of demands regarding which cabinet portfolios and positions he seeks for party members.

Oklahoma Woman Charged With Spray Painting ‘Gas The Jews’ GraffitiCharges were filed Monday against an Oklahoma woman suspected of spray painting racist, anti-gay and anti-Semitic graffiti on Democratic Party offices in Norman and Oklahoma City.
