NETANYA (VINnews) — The Tzanz- Klausenberg Rebbe of Netanya, Rabbi Tzvi Elimelech Halberstam, suffered a light heart attack Monday and was hospitalized in the city’s Laniado hospital founded by his father. The Rebbe, a member of the Agudath Yisrael’s Council of Torah Sages, is conscious and being treated by doctors at the hospital. A local […]

JERUSALEM (VINnews) — Minister of Interior Aryeh Deri approved Sunday, in conjunction with the Health Ministry and the Foreign Ministry, the return of all foreign yeshiva students and avreichim back to Israel to learn in the yeshivos and kollels. In a letter penned by Deri last week, the minister announced that non-citizens carrying valid student […]

ADELAIDE, AUSTRALIA (VINnews) — As scientists worldwide frantically search for COVID-19 vaccines, epidemiologists also seek to find the source of the outbreak in order to be able to locate and prevent any future mutations of the virus from spreading and causing worldwide havoc. Most scientists were convinced until now that the virus emanated from an […]

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Nearly two weeks ago the White House urged governors to ensure that every nursing home resident and staff member be tested for the coronavirus within 14 days. It’s not going to happen. A review by The Associated Press found that at least half of the states are not going to meet […]

WASHINGTON — The White House has announced a ban on travel to the U.S. from Brazil due to the spread of coronavirus in Latin America’s hardest-hit country. Press secretary Kayleigh McEnany says in a statement Sunday evening that the ban applies to foreign nationals who have been in Brazil in the 14 days before they […]

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) — Are some workouts, like yoga or spinning classes, less safe than others? Should I wear a mask? Do I need more than six-feet apart in cardio classes where there’s panting and heavy breathing? There are many legitimate concerns about how gyms and fitness studios can safely reopen without furthering the […]

JERUSALEM (VINnews) — Rabbi Shimon Ragovey, a senior medical advisor to the Chareidi sector in Israel, warned against opening shuls and stated that it could be dangerous especially on Shavuos night. In an interview with Kikar Hashabat, Rabbi Ragovey said that “Shavuos night holds a much more potent danger since it involved a very large […]

LONDON — Toilet experts say urinals may be consigned to history as part of measures to make public conveniences safe for the post-coronavirus world. Raymond Martin, managing director of the British Toilet Association, says business and governments need to adapt public toilets to make them infection-resistant, adding technology such as foot-operated flushes and sensor-activated taps. […]

WASHINGTON (AP) — Chief Justice John Roberts told graduating seniors at his son’s high school that the coronavirus has “pierced our illusion of certainty and control” and he counseled the students to make their way with humility, compassion and courage in a world turned upside down. “Humility. The pandemic should teach us at least that,” […]

NEW YORK (AP)- Millions of Americans are getting ready to emerge from coronavirus lockdowns and venture outdoors to celebrate Memorial Day weekend at beaches, cookouts and family outings, raising concern among public health officials that large gatherings could cause outbreaks to come roaring back. Medical experts warn that the virus won’t take a holiday for […]
