FRANCE ( — As humanity continues to experience the restrictions associated with social distancing in the age of the coronavirus, more and more activities are taking place online: birthday parties, work meetings, play dates, legislative sessions and even a regional conference of Chabad-Lubavitch emissaries. In France, the virus has hit particularly hard with nearly 130,000 […]

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump on Thursday speculated that China could have unleashed the coronavirus on the world due to some kind of horrible “mistake,” and his intelligence agencies said they are still examining a notion put forward by the president and aides that the pandemic may have resulted from an accident at a […]

NEW YORK (THE CONVERSATION/AP) – The more researchers know about how the coronavirus attaches, invades and hijacks human cells, the more effective the search for drugs to fight it. That was the idea my colleagues and I hoped to be true when we began building a map of the coronavirus two months ago. The map […]

DALLAS (AP) — American Airlines, Delta Air Lines and United Airlines said Thursday they will soon require passengers to cover their faces during flights, following the lead of JetBlue Airways. The move comes as airlines big and small contemplate how to comply with social-distancing recommendations in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. Most flights are […]

OAK PARK, Ill. (AP) — Americans are feeling isolated and anxious. They fear they or their loved ones will get sick. They worry about their jobs. As the coronavirus pandemic upends lives across the United States, it’s taking a widespread toll on people’s mental health and stress levels, according to a survey that finds a […]

WASHINGTON (AP) — Trying to dispel economic gloom, President Donald Trump said Thursday he’s anticipating a major rebound in the coming months and a “spectacular” 2021. While economists are warning of serious long-term damage as the country plunges into recession because of the coronavirus, Trump is predicting a strong fourth quarter thanks to pent-up demand. […]

WASHINGTON (AP) — This time, he wore a mask. Vice President Mike Pence donned a face covering Thursday as he toured a General Motors/Ventec ventilator production facility in Indiana after coming under fire for failing to wear one earlier this week in violation of Mayo Clinic policy. Pence on toured the General Motors facility in […]

WASHINGTON (AP) — The nation’s top infectious disease expert said Thursday that new cases of the coronavirus are a certainty as states begin to roll back restrictions. States need to proceed carefully as they take steps to reopen businesses and allow greater freedom of movement, Dr. Anthony Fauci said. “We will get blips … there’s […]

NEW YORK (VINnews) On March 27th, as the desperate shortage of ventilators for coronavirus patients became more widely known, President Donald Trump posted on Twitter to urge Ford and General Motors to “START MAKING VENTILATORS, NOW!” Buzzfeed News reports that one of the thousands of replies that the tweet attracted struck an equally urgent tone: […]

NEW YORK (AP) — It’s a stunning sound, emerging amid the clanging and the whooping and the banging and the honking at 7 p.m. each night as New Yorkers cheer front-line workers: the velvety, buttery baritone of Brian Stokes Mitchell. For decades, Mitchell’s voice has been one of the most celebrated in the Broadway theater, […]
