WUHAN, China (AP) — Shopkeepers in the city at the center of China’s virus outbreak were reopening Monday but customers were scarce after authorities lifted more of the anti-virus controls that kept tens of millions of people at home for two months. “I’m so excited, I want to cry,” said a woman on one of […]

SALFORD, ENGLAND (VINnews) — A 108-year-old British woman who survived the 1918-1919 Spanish Flu succumbed to the coronavirus, according to a report by the Guardian newspaper. Hilda Churchill died in a Salford nursing home on Saturday, just hours after testing positive for COVID-19 — and just eight days before her 109th birthday. The oldest known […]

JERUSALEM (VINnews) — Despite the fact that most of the Chareidi public have internalized the inherent dangers in gathering even outdoors for minyan and maintain strict social distancing in other places, there are still people who ignore the health ministry directives and congregate without any distancing. An Israeli police helicopter took this video of Satmar […]

NEW YORK (JTA) – The attorney at the center of the coronavirus outbreak in New Rochelle, New York has been released from the hospital, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said. Cuomo did not identify Lawrence Garbuz by name during his daily news conference on Sunday. “The ‘patient zero’ — what we call patient zero in […]

JERUSALEM (VINnews) — Police entered Meah Shearim and arrested people who were congregating in public buildings and violating public health directives:    

LE PECQ, France (AP) — Of a world in coronavirus turmoil, they may know little or nothing. Submariners stealthily cruising the ocean deeps, purposefully shielded from worldly worries to encourage undivided focus on their top-secret missions of nuclear deterrence, may be among the last pockets of people anywhere who are still blissfully unaware of how […]

NEW YORK (AP) — A nurse with asthma, a grandfather with cancer and a homeless man with no known family are wracked with coronavirus-induced fevers. They are struggling to breathe, and a ventilator could save their lives. But who gets one when there aren’t enough to go around? Health care workers are dreading the prospect […]

BNEI BRAK (VINnews) — In the wake of the ruling by Rav Chaim Kanievski that people who violate health ministry regulations are considered to be a rodef (endangering other’s lives) and may be exposed for their actions, police reported a sharp rise in reports by residents of people violating isolation or of shuls still active […]

NEW YORK (JTA) – A Brooklyn attorney has filed a lawsuit accusing New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo of violating his right to free speech and ability to observe his Jewish faith because of the state’s ban on large gatherings due to the coronavirus. Lee Nigen also alleges that telling state residents to limit travel, Cuomo […]

TENNESSEE (AP) — An outbreak of the new coronavirus at a Tennessee nursing home has spread to dozens more of its residents and staff members, Gov. Bill Lee’s office said Sunday night. A hospital said without elaborating that two of the residents have died. Tests results released Sunday show 59 additional residents of the Gallatin […]
