International lender decries 'lengthy, bureaucratic regime of permits,' saying many Palestinians die before they can obtain treatment

Herzliya-based venture capital firm launches second fund to back locally founded startups in areas of digital health, medical devices, diagnostics, and life sciences

With 1,000 violent incidents in its clinics so far this year, Israel's largest HMO looks for solutions to protect its workers from attacks from patients and their families

IMA says it disagrees with decision but will honor it after Health Minister Arbel requests injunction to end wildcat action; more strikes threatened

Hospitals and clinics in Jerusalem will not be affected, and emergency and critical care services will take place as scheduled; Health Ministry weighs asking for injunction

Agreement with PureHealth involves joint research, medical training, tech collaboration and medical tourism, as cooperation between fresh allies deepens

Companies dealing in life sciences and technology face tougher times ahead due to global economic uncertainty and political crisis at home

Changes aim to eliminate duplicate costs for consumers who pay for both commercial policies and premium-level HMO coverage, garnering praise from some activists

Lilach hopes its brightly colored DNR bracelets will bring attention to the Dying Patient Act, helping spread awareness of choices adult Israelis can make when faced with death

Augmented reality system now being rolled out in Europe after receiving CE mark; doctor says it ‘feels like being inside the eye during surgery’
