This week saw temperatures around the planet spike into uncharted territory, in a year of 'unreal meteorology'

Troops in woolen tunics and bearskin hats carried out on stretchers as temperature reaches 30°C (86°F) during Colonel’s Review parade

Curling up in front of a toasty open fire may sound romantic, but the Environment Ministry notes it is bad for both health and the environment

Comparing records from past 30 years, Israel Meteorological Institute suggests that as early as 2050, summers could be almost two degrees warmer

As the Mediterranean region warms 20% faster than the global average, an ambitious government roadmap with 31 action points to help Israel adapt remains without funding

The last four years are the hottest on record, the planet is getting hotter at a rate unparalleled in two millennia, and atmospheric CO2 levels at their highest in 3 million years

Climate scientists warn that searing weather could be the new normal for temperate continent