Militia fighters reportedly bracing for further possible strikes, day after rockets fired at bases housing American troops following exchange that began with Iranian drone attack

Attack on May 20 that hit the Damascus International Airport damaged runways, satellite imagery shows, reportedly keeping Iran from landing Boeing 747 cargo planes

Military Arabic-language spokesperson warns Tehran and terror group 'endanger' civilians by transporting advanced armaments on civilian flights to Damascus International Airport

Meeting with Supreme Leader Khamenei, Syrian president says strong relations between the countries serve as bulwark against 'Zionist influence' in Mideast

IDI survey finds Jews and right-wingers most supportive of going it alone, over 50% say Islamic Republic poses an existential danger

Saudi outlet says Quds Force chief in Syria accused of 'major breach of Syrian sovereignty' after attacking US forces, placing Iranian weapons in unapproved places

Some parts of attack plans for Tehran's nuclear sites will be viable shortly, others could take over a year, ToI learns; raids on Iranian proxies in Syria getting more difficult

Pentagon says two strike jets dropped precision-guided munitions on facilities in Syria; Kataeb Hezbollah says one of its fighters killed; France says it 'stands firmly' with US

US president says strike meant to tell Tehran, 'You can't act with impunity'; several leading Democratic lawmakers denounce attack, Republicans more supportive

Intel official tells AP overnight raids targeted warehouses used to store Iranian weapons; says Pompeo and Mossad chief discussed the attack during meeting at DC restaurant
