Program will provide state guarantees of 40% to protect the return on investments in mature Israeli tech firms

Products help medical professionals analyze data and gain insight into patients' needs; collaboration program to be expanded to other medical centers

Innovation Authority says it will provide small and medium firms with vital funds; tech industry forecast to see 25% drop in investment, revenues

Innovation Authority to disburse funding to Israeli firms hit by the crisis, including NIS 50 million to companies combating the virus outbreak

The BIRD Energy program has funded 49 projects with a joint government investment of $38 million since 2009

OurCrowd, Finistere Ventures, Tnuva and Tempo win an 8-year license to run the Sparks incubator in Kiryat Shmona

Israeli startups will be able to develop and test their health technologies and medical devices with the Rochester, Minnesota-based institution
