Gvili was last heard from at 10:50 a.m. October 7, when he told friends he had been shot in the leg
The post Missing: Police officer Ran Gvili, left hospital to go fight appeared first on The Times of Israel.

On the morning of October 7, Maya Goren was setting up the kibbutz kindergarten for going back to school after the holidays
The post Taken captive: Nir Oz kindergarten teacher from her classroom appeared first on The Times of Israel.

Mother and grandmother was last heard from at 9:37 a.m. on October 7, at Kibbutz Nir Oz when she texted terrorists were in her house
The post Presumed captive: Argentine Ofelia Roitman, lifelong educator appeared first on The Times of Israel.

Tamir's wife and kids were saved, while he and his 85-year-old grandmother Yaffa Adar were abducted separately from their kibbutz home
The post Taken captive: Tamir Adar, part of Nir Oz squad, held off terrorists appeared first on The Times of Israel.

Israeli musician Eden Hason performed at the funeral of the off-duty soldier, murdered at the Supernova rave, Oct 7
The post Cpl. Liel Vainshtein, 19: Former child star slain at music festival appeared first on The Times of Israel.

Retired officer killed by Hamas terrorists near Kibbutz Mefalsim, October 8
The post Col. (res.) Lion Bar, 53: Raced to the scene to help evacuate wounded appeared first on The Times of Israel.

Elite Egoz soldier killed in eight-hour battle on October 7 to defend IDF Kissufim outpost near Gaza border
The post Staff Sgt. Elad Sasson, 21: Wanted to be a doctor and save lives appeared first on The Times of Israel.

Family tried to leave Sderot as sirens sounded, were attacked by Hamas terrorists and killed in their car on October 7
The post Odaya and Dolev Swissa, 33 & 34: Murdered in front of their daughters appeared first on The Times of Israel.

The State Attorney’s Office has filed charges against citizens, East Jerusalem residents for social media posts lauding the October 7 atrocities and other offenses
The post 34 people indicted since Oct. 7 for incitement, praise of Hamas and Hezbollah appeared first on The Times of Israel.

The PM's press conference was no genuine effort to answer potent questions during wartime, but a characteristic exercise in evasion. But even he can't rewrite this story of failure
The post Netanyahu is trying to avoid an accounting for October 7. This time, he won’t escape appeared first on The Times of Israel.
