Senior officials fly to Rabat to investigate a series of charges of sexual and financial improprieties

Unofficial sources say agreements brokered by Kobi Shabtai last week hadn't been included in previously signed deals between Jerusalem and Rabat

Morocco delegation set to attend Beersheba tournament commemorating 1972 Munich Olympics massacre

Police chief will hold talks with Rabat's senior police and security officials on improving law enforcement ties between countries amid increasingly warm relations

Two countries agree to share expertise and digitize their judicial systems while cooperating in fight against organized crime, terrorism, and human trafficking

Military correspondent Emanuel Fabian on IDF chief's Morocco visit; reporter Jeremy Sharon on new settlement activism in the West Bank; and Lazar Berman's view of Ukraine

In remarks after attending services at local Synagogue, Kohavi highlights Israel and Morocco's 'special connection, shared heritage;' meets with locals who fought in Yom Kippur War

IDF head greeted by honor guard, defense officials after landing in Rabat Monday evening; dozens stage protest against visit, burning photos of him

Chief of staff slated to meet counterpart, Moroccan defense minister, other military officials; army says visit part of 'efforts to broaden military cooperation'

Destination initially barred from publication, but gag order lifted after journalists leak country name; last month Israeli officers observed a major drill in north African nation
