Tires of 13 vehicles slashed and Hebrew graffiti daubed in Sarta, calling for the expulsion of all Arabs from Israel

Meeting part of regular cooperation between two sides on economic matters such as banking and taxation

In New York Times op-ed, Danny Danon says acceptance of Trump economic plan will lead to Palestinian 'liberation'

Tires of 12 vehicles slashed and Hebrew graffiti daubed in Sinjil referencing alleged rape of 7-year-old by a man from a nearby village

The long-awaited document is rich in incentives and lofty verbiage, but don't bother reading the proposal for details on how the White House sees a peace plan coming together

NIS 15 million solution said in the offing to treat waste that has been spilling into Israel from the Palestinian side of the border

Hebrew phrases including 'village of terrorists' found daubed in West Bank village of Deir Istiya; cars found with tires slashed

Army says the suspect, who has been indicted, served time in prison for security-related crimes, was released last May

Prime minister says 'land in Judea and Samaria is our patrimony,' in response to former security officials' warning that move will bolster terror groups and harm nation's security

Peace won't break out after the Manama summit, but the mere fact than an Arab capital is hosting the rollout of Trump's initiative is highly meaningful
