Senior Pentagon official tells conference troops on ground aiding efforts to 'identify hostages, including Americans,' NY Times reports
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Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin says deployment of USS Eisenhower meant 'to deter hostile actions against Israel or any efforts toward widening this war'

Visiting Tel Aviv in show of support, defense secretary says US 'will make sure Israel has what it needs,' decries those offering 'false equivalence or excuses for the inexcusable'

Munitions and other aid also promised as IDF retaliates for brutal Hamas assault; four Americans thought killed and seven missing, official says

Secretary of state tells media that Washington may announce further military aid to Israel later Sunday

Training includes use of all of Israel's multi-layered air defenses, American systems from Elbit 'battle lab'

Unsourced TV report says exercises to focus on missile defense, coordinated attack on Iran; drills come as IAF faces impaired readiness due to protesting reservist volunteers

Commander of Israeli Navy's Snapir Unit tells ToI latest exercise, dubbed Intrinsic Defender, will enhance forces' capabilities

More Republicans and Independents (79%) name Israel as the top US ally than Democrats in new poll on Americans' trending perceptions of US alliances and rivalries

Exercises simulate strikes on ‘strategic targets in depth’ of enemy territory, include American tankers boosting range of IAF fighter jets
