Reuters: Bank of Israel Governor Amir Yaron says that as tech and online shopping push prices lower, the central bank is reassessing the inflation target regime
Over-regulation weighs down growth, productivity, report says, calling for new regulatory authority; cutting down rules could generate up to NIS 100 billion for economy
Central bank holds key lending rate at record low 0.1%; monetary policy will be 'very accommodative' for a prolonged period; cuts forecast for GDP growth to 5.5% in 2021
Tightening the belt will curb growth but at least will not lead Israel to 'worlds of unreasonable debt,' which could spur downgrade by ratings agencies
Bank of Israel report says Israel must invest more in its people, develop its infrastructure and upgrade its financial system in order to eventually reduce income inequality
Shares surge in Tel Aviv, following news of the signing of a non-binding letter of intent for acquisition of 51% stake for NIS 215 million ($66 million)
There is an opportunity to take the bilateral cooperation forward and expand it to a trilateral one by shaping a start-up collaboration between India, Israel and the US
Fischer, who previously served as the Governor of the Bank of Israel and is a former vice chairman of the US Federal Reserve, leaves Hapoalim after 8 months for 'personal reasons'
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