Lebanese newspaper reports Egyptian intelligence officials tell terror leaders that Jerusalem serious in threats to carry out wide-ranging military campaign if violence continues

Army retaliates by bombing Hamas post; rocket attack interrupts night-time swimming event in Kibbutz Netiv Ha'aasara, sending dozens of children running to bomb shelters

One projectile strikes open field in south, causing no damage, three others land inside the Strip, amid soaring tensions

Suspects enter Israeli territory from southern area of coastal enclave

Hundreds take part in 'truck march,' IDF responds with crowd dispersal means

Highly rare exercise appears linked to botched IDF special forces raid in November, comes a day after Israel located 18th attack tunnel under Gaza border

Police sappers detonate device that fell in open area of military compound; no injuries or damage caused

Former defense official says Hamas terror group calming the situation while Eurovision song contest takes place in Tel Aviv

Emergency services work to battle flames in Shokeda and Be'eri forests, apparently caused by incendiary balloons; no injuries reported

Suspect nabbed shortly after breaching fence, detained for questioning by security forces; no injuries reported in incident
