Projects will be awarded funding for a total of $2 million if they show promising partnerships, near-future commercialization potential, economic benefit to Israel and Florida
Intel Ignite, which fosters startups, says Ranny Nachmias will replace Tzahi Weisfeld as accelerator program head; Ignite will be rolled out in Germany and the US
Syringe with peptides and protein fragments developed by Israel's Mileutis to stimulate immune system and reduce use of antibiotics; investor is US-based NovaQuest
A virtual conference, Europe Days 2020, hopes to help companies in Germany, Switzerland and Austria meet demand for new tech solutions, spurred by competition and COVID-19
Investment in seed startups plunges by 47% in the first three-quarters of the year, as investors shun risk and pour funds into later stage tech firms, IVC-Zag S&W report says
Under lockdown, amid memorabilia, I found a box with my application to Harvard Business School; brushing off dust to read my essays, I found a time capsule for my thoughts in 2005
The Luca has seat cushions of coconut fiber and horsehair; the middle of the chassis is made of flax and recycled plastics, and the front and rear of recycled aluminum
ImmunoBrain Checkpoint's antibody that boosts immune cells' communication with brain seen effective in lab animals; clinical trials in humans to start next year
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