The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews has mobilized to raise more than 1 million shekels (about $275,000) in emergency assistance for residents of moshav Mevo Modi’im, a small agricultural community west of Jerusalem near the city of Modi’in. The moshav sustained a massive fire on May 23 that destroyed at least 40 out of the community’s 50 homes.
From that, the Fellowship will be providing up to $5,000 in assistance for each family in Mevo Modi’im.

New York State Senator Simcha Felder is sponsoring two no-cost Measles Titers Immunity Tests as part of an ongoing effort to stop the spread of measles. Since October, there have been 550 confirmed cases of measles in Brooklyn alone. While the outbreak has been mostly concentrated in certain areas, the summer brings a new challenge.
In partnership with Premium Health in Boro Park and New York Community Hospital in Flatbush, Senator Felder is calling on the community to take this opportunity to check their immunity to measles before the summer travel season.
Flatbush: Wednesday, June 5, 10 AM – 1 PM
Boro Park: Thursday, June 13, 10 AM – 1 PM
Appointments required, please call 718-253-2015

The Degel Hatorah faction within Yahadut Hatorah reportedly agrees to the compromise deal over the conscription bill whereby Avigdor Liberman’s proposal is approved in the first reading and then only in its final votes “in agreement with all the coalition parties.”
Degel Hatorah is teamed up with Shas in supporting the deal, which would’ve helped avoid new elections. Even without the four seats of Agudas Yisroel, there would  beenough to create a 61 seat majority.
Unfortunately its a case of too little too late as the Knesset is currently voting to dissolve and call for new elections.
{ Israel News}

On May 23rd, the day after Lag B’Omer, Israel experienced one of it’s hottest heat waves, with temperatures above 105 degrees. During the same time, fires blazed through several forests, fields and communities. Due to the heavy winds, dry lands and high temperatures, fires blew out of control. As a result, during a two day period:

Latvian lawmakers have elected Egils Levits, a judge with the European Court of Justice, to become the Baltic nation’s head of state.
Levits, a 63-year-old lawyer and political scientist educated in Germany, was expelled from the Soviet Union with his Jewish parents in 1972 because the KGB viewed them as a threat to the Communist regime
The family settled in Germany, where Levits obtained law and political science degrees before returning to Latvia a decade later and entering politics. Levits wrote the country’s 1990 declaration of independence following the end of the Soviet occupation and later served as a member of parliament, justice minister and ambassador to Switzerland, Hungary, Germany and Austria.

In a new book by Michael Wolff, the author and journalist claims President Donald Trump accused Jewish people of flipping loyalty, especially in reference to his former Jewish associates.
‘The Jews always flip,’ Trump said, according to Wolff’s upcoming book Siege: Trump Under Fire.
According to the excerpt from the book, which was obtained by The Guardian a week before its publication date, Trump made this remark after Michael Cohen, Trump Organization accountant Allen Weisselberg and American Media CEO David Pecker all made cooperating plea deals with Mueller’s team.
All three are of them are Jewish.

Vaad Mishmeres Kohanim, an organization that helps Kohanim avoid any issues of tamei mes, has announced that there is no longer any concerns with flying from Ben Gurion airport.

The Bais Din of Harav Nissim Karelitz, headed by Rav Sariel Rosenberg, has confirmed that there are no longer any concerns for Kohanim flying out of Ben Gurion, as all flights on all airlines at every time of the day avoids the cemetery in Cholon.


As the Torah world readies itself for the 13th siyum hashas this upcoming January, a group of women are planing their own event to celebrate the end of the seven year cycle that covers the entire Shas, one Daf at a time.
The women’s event is scheduled for Sunday, January 5, 2020 at Binyanei Ha’uma in Yerushalayim. The event is being hosted by Daf Yomi 4 Women, an organization that offers daily Gemara shiurim for women.
For those who haven’t followed the full cycle, there will be a full completion of Shas at the event. Each participant will receive a page they will study, and together they will all jointly finish Shas term.
