Conversation includes excerpts from new contemporary Classical album, inspired by a Bedouin camel trek in the Arava Desert and other global travels

Celebrated UK actress Maureen Lipman to sing 'Next Year in Jerusalem,' title song in a never-seen show about the female Israeli PM, for Jewish Music Institute's online gala Feb. 11

EU Commission’s first Coordinator on Combating Anti-Semitism Katharina von Schnurbein on the controversial IHRA definition and 'deeply rooted' hatred against European Jewry

Bodies of Jonathan, Hannah and Saskia Goldstein found amid debris of aircraft that crashed in the Swiss alps

3 world-renowned Israeli expats meet at Boston Symphony Orchestra's summer home Tanglewood to celebrate violinist Pinchas Zukerman's birth with fresh addition to Classical canon

1928's comic 'The Tsar wants his photograph taken' lampoons anarchists' Jewish stereotypes even while connecting a modern researcher to his family's roots