US correspondent Jacob Magid discusses the US president's planned visit and Palestinian reactions; and US reporter Luke Tress looks at Israel's near-zero inflation and tech news

Jerusalem hopes to convince US president to invest in new Iron Beam rocket interceptor, according to report

Washington particularly concerned about Israeli plan to advance 'doomsday' settlement construction in E1 area, with PA threatening to downgrade ties if such steps proceed

Delivery will be largest since invasion began; US president also promises $225 million in humanitarian aid

Speaking at a Jerusalem press conference, foreign minister calls for issue to be reverted to UN; says he is not sure government will still be in power when Biden visits

Planned trip to oil-rich kingdom comes as China increasingly looks to Gulf Arab nations, which have mostly rebuffed US efforts to isolate Russia over its invasion of Ukraine

US president blames Russian counterpart for high food prices, says new infrastructure plan was 'taking time'

US president will chat with athletes at opening of Maccabiah Games, visit a missile defense system, hold a virtual meeting with Bennett, MBZ and Modi, and meet Abbas in Bethlehem

US officials say a Mideast tour, with a stop in Saudi Arabia, is in the works but a date has not yet been finalized

US president says there was 'no doubt' that Putin would order his troops into Ukraine, and 'we had data to sustain' that assessment
