Turkeys in slaughterhouse near Beit She'an mark first cases of avian influenza this winter; surrounding farms quarantined as authorities look to prevent spread to wild birds

Israel-led team of researchers find that some 780,000 years ago, prehistoric humans used sophisticated methods to cook huge fish from Hula Lake, in what is now northern Israel

Agriculture Ministry notes 'encouraging recovery' over past two days; cleanup efforts at Hula Lake Reserve expected to end next week ahead of migration season

But Health Ministry says tests have so far not found water to be polluted after flowing from Hula Lake Reserve, where 5,000 cranes have died

PM consults with National Security Council on disease that's ravaging wild and domestic birds in north, delivering what minister calls 'worst blow to wildlife in Israel's history'

In first such model of region at time, study examines botanic remains in Hula Valley to build picture of fluctuations in climate, rain distribution that shaped agricultural society

At new building, named for former Canadian PM Stephen Harper, visitors will be able to experience flying like a bird

Migrating birds flock to Lake Hula in the north of the country as they head to warmer climates