NEW Acapella Song | Ari Goldwag & Yosef Kugler Gal Einai

Yosef Kugler’s popular song Gal Einai was released a while ago – but Yosef surprised us with an acapella version to the song. Thanks to the incredibly talented Ari Goldwag you can now listen to Gal Einai during Sfira!

Yaakov Shwekey 1 or 2 NEW ALBUMS | Lag Ba’omer

Yaakov Shwekey is releasing ANOTHER new album! So far Lag Ba’omer seems to be bringing a total of 6 new albums which will be INSANE!

Top 10 Best Songs 2021

2021 was a great year for Jewish music! Here are the Top 10 best songs of 2021.

Number 10: Lucky (8th Day) The title track of 8th Days new album hit great reviews & its music video has over 100,000 views!

INSANE INTERVIEW Mordechai Shapiro On Meaningful People | MUST WATCH

Mordechai Shapiro did an amazing interview with Meaningful People & with his new album around the corner the interview highlights many interesting topics! The interview is definitely a MUST WATCH & Mordy highlights many challenging topics.

You don’t wanna miss this interview!

How Good Is Yoni Z’s NEW ALBUM Ahava?

Yoni Z responded to questions on his latest album. Fans want to know how good Yoni’s new album “Ahava” will be. Watch Yoni’s response below.

Yoni Z’s New Album “Ahava” is set to come out Lag Ba’omer along with 5 other MAJOR Albums. Many more updates coming on the Jewish Hock. Stay Tuned!

Yoni Z NEW SONG – Crown Acapella

Yoni Z Surprised us with 1 more release before his new album Ahava which is set to debut for Lag Baomer. An Acapella version to his popular hit song “Crown”!

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Realtime Popularity Rating For Your Favorite Singers

Jewish Hock is proud to announce the launch of our brand new feature! Realtime Popularity Ratings for your favorite Singers!

You can boost your favorite singers and watch as their popularity rating updates daily!

Desperate 2 Official Trailer OUT NOW

Watch The Desperate 2 Trailer That Came Out For Pesach! Video Will Be Available For Purchase Sukkos Time!


Desperate Measures 2 Hits RAVE Reviews

Boruch Perlowitz’s newest film “Desperate Measures 2” hit fans this Chol Hamoed with Live watchings at several locations in the US including Boro Park, Lakewood, Monsey, & Orlando. The film is a part 2 to the extremely successful Desperate Measures which came out after Boruchs other hit films “The Edge”, & “Skull Of A Genius”.
