Military says jury-rigged devices can perform the same function as far more expensive ventilators, if needed in the case of a large outbreak

Amid shortages, Military Intelligence's crack 81st Unit trying to convert cheap CPAP breathing machines into ventilators, better protective gear for medical personnel

Referring to three recent incidents in which officers were found to have abused power or been negligent, Kohavi maintains that the military must learn from its mistakes

In strange case, two commanders of human intelligence unit harshly punished for ordering unnecessary missions to provide sesame paste to general

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan seen as pushing increasingly aggressive stance in the region, threatening Israel's maritime interests

In IDF's annual intel assessment, Terhan remains the primary foe in the region; the death of its viceroy might make the fight easier, but potential for unwanted conflicts abound

F-16 squadron commander explains to Israeli TV why he personally led strike in Syria on Iranian-backed cell; intelligence officer: 'We were right... down to the last detail'

IDF's human intelligence unit unveils one of the Jewish state's most important assets in an unspecified Arab state, including details of his remarkable recruitment

Controlling up to two dozen German spies, Oskar Schindler helped stage the false-flag ‘Gleiwitz Incident’ to justify Germany’s invasion of Poland

Tamir Hayman says Islamic Jihad more likely to start a war in Gaza than Hamas, boasts that Israel knows more than Nasrallah about Hezbollah's missile program
