US president hopes media giants will now better combat vaccine misinformation; Facebook claims 85% of users in the US have been vaccinated or want to get the shot

Report finds 'disinformation dozen' responsible for 65% of anti-vaccine content on social media, reaching more than 59 million followers on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter

Officials say false posts by anti-vaxxers causing 'pandemic of the unvaccinated,' urge Facebook to clean up its act; it says accusations not supported by facts

Critics of wide-reaching move say professional journalism acted as a check on the spread of fake news before it was barred from feeds on the social media platform

From Moscow to Tehran to DC, leaders and allied media amplified expedient conspiracies. But it was China, attacked for its handling of virus, that led in spreading disinformation

From college profs with no training in virology to social media fakers to governments, a trail of explosive claims sorely lacking in evidence

Tune in Sunday through Thursday to hear ToI editors and reporters quickly catch you up on what’s important today

Social media giant says it removed fake Hebrew accounts; Likud in reaction: Iran and demonstrators have 'shared' goal of unseating Netanyahu; protest group blasts 'incitement'

Campaigns tout half-truths about rival candidate's previous statements on race, COVID-19, job creation, Obamacare

Shining rare spotlight on murky business of online reputation management, Wikipedia editor points finger at Percepto - an Israeli firm that helps wealthy clients bury dubious pasts
