MBD NEW Album Hashpuos – R’ Chezkie Weisz

MBD JUST Released A New Album Hashpuos! The Album Came Out Intime For Purim & Is Available For Purchase On Mostly Music & Amazon.

MBD NEW Album To Be Released ANY DAY

Famous Singer Mordechai Ben David announced that his NEW Album will be coming out in a few days!

Mordechai Ben David known as MBD announced he was working on a new album a few months ago. The album will be his first album in a long time, and is expected to be a major hit!

MBD Is Releasing A NEW Album!
Famous singer Mordechai Ben David better known as MBD is getting ready to release a brand new album!

The star singer hasn’t been so active in the industry but is coming back strong with full brand new amazing album that has been in the works for many months now.