CNN’s Christiane Amanpour talks to President Trump’s senior adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner about the President’s Middle East plan.

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Trump defense lawyer Jay Sekulow addresses John Bolton’s claims that Trump linked Ukraine aid to an investigation of the Bidens.

Hundreds of millions of desert locusts are swarming in Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia—some of the biggest numbers seen in more than 25 years.
Unusually wet weather in the area toward the end of 2019 has contributed to the massive outbreak, driving an explosion of locusts that are destroying crops and threatening food security across the region.
The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization is requesting international assistance to combat the swarms, and warning of the potential for massive growth if they are left unchecked.

Hong Kong closes border with mainland China due to Coronavirus outbreak and CDC reports suicide rate climbing in America.

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul says he’s offended and shocked that Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer would accuse President Trump and his children of making money illegally off of politics.
