2020 candidate and war veteran Rep. Tulsi Gabbard shares a dire prediction should tensions with Iran escalate to war.


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University of Memphis law professor Steven Mulroy discusses the effectiveness and history of the Electoral College.

This past week’s Siyum Hashas celebrated the remarkable achievements of lomdei Daf Yomi. Indeed, the heroes of Daf Yomi are the mesaymim and the maggidei shiur, who devoted seven-and-a-half years toward reaching their goal. This past Motzoei Shabbos, Parshas Vayigash, January 4, thousands attended a community-wide seudas siyum in honor of the mesaymim of Shas with Daf Yomi was held at Fountain Ballroom in Lakewood.

Republican Senator Lindsey Graham tells ‘Fox & Friends’ that the Trump administration needs to make clear the consequences of any retaliation against the U.S. airstrike that killed Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani in Iraq.

With the participation of rabbonim and roshei yeshivos from all over the Jewish world and around 4000 members of the local community * The Malchus Choir, the Hamenagnim orchestra, artist and composer, Reb Mona Rosenblum, Reb Ahrele Samet and Reb Zanvil Weinberger, have arrived from Israel for the special event

Dirshu’s exciting journey is underway: Thousands from the Manchester Jewish community are now gathering for a Siyum Hashas, the likes of which the city has never yet seen. The siyum is taking place at EventCity – the largest and grandest hall in Manchester, which has thousands of seats, and maranan v’rabanan gedolei Torah, rabbonim, dayonim, and roshei yeshivos, shlita, are in attendance.

Five people were wounded in a stabbing on Chanukah in Monsey, New York. The family of one of the victims, 72-year-old R’ Yehosef [ben Perel] Neumann, gave an update on his injuries and said they want the focus to be on the victims.

