Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu hosted Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman at the Prime Minister’s Residence in Yerushalayim this morning and gave Pompeo a brief tour of the residence’s sukkah.
Pompeo, who recently visited Ankara, Turkey for talks which culminated in a ceasefire agreement in northern Syria, landed in Israel Thursday night.
Today, Pompeo joined Ambassador Friedman at the Prime Minister’s Residence in Yerushalayim to discuss with Netanyahu the ceasefire deal, and other major issues facing the region, key among them ongoing efforts against Iranian aggression.

Presidential candidates gang up on Sen. Elizabeth Warren during the Democratic debate.

President Trump, Democrats butt heads over decision to withdraw troops from Syria.

Trump Organization executive vice president Donald Trump, Jr. speaks out on the Hunter Biden-Ukraine scandal.

As we approach the series of the 13th Siyum Hashas events, to be organized around the Jewish world by the Dirshu organization during the coming winter, a new, unique song has been released that will accompany the series of exciting events in honor of the Torah, in honor of our gedolim shlita, in honor of those completing Shas, those who are kove’a itim and those who honor Torah and those who study it.
The song that was written is based on the words, כִּי בִי יִרְבּוּ יָמֶיךָ וְיוֹסִיפוּ לְּךָ שְׁנוֹת חַיִּים (“For through Me your days will be increased, and add years of life for you”). The pasuk is from Mishlei (9:11), and is performed by singers Zanville Weinberger and Ahrele Samet, accompanied by the Malchus Choir.

Freedom Caucus members Rep. Mark Meadows and Rep. Jim Jordan react on ‘Hannity.’

White House senior policy adviser Stephen Miller sits down with ‘Watters’ World.’
