A video has emerged of Mordechai Ben David walking off stage after an attendee at a concert refused to put out his cigarette.
The footage was sent to Matzav.com by a reader, who stated that this took place at an event in Argentina.
Mordechai Ben David was singing Ana Melech, which appeared on his Efshar Letakein album and was composed by Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz, when the incident occurred. The exchange was captured by a cell phone camera. R’ Mordechai asked the attendee to extinguish his smoke, and when he did not, R’ Mordechai promptly departed the stage.

Progressive Congresswoman Ilhan Omar likens anti-Israel resolution to boycotts of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union; reaction from George Mason University law professor Eugene Kontorovich.

Photo: Yossi Goldberger

House Democrats vote to condemn Trump’s tweets about for freshman congresswomen.

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich says President Trump believes that if the Democrats embrace the radical wing of their party Republicans will win in 2020.


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This past week has been a very difficult one for the Bauman family, the Norfolk community, and all of Klal Yisroel.     

Rabbi Reuven Bauman and his family moved to Norfolk 3 years ago to become the 7th/8th and 3rd grade rebbi for Toras Chaim Day School. Ever since the Baumans moved to Norfolk, they made a tremendous impact in their unique way. Rabbi Bauman was known for his radiant smile. The positive influence that Rabbi Bauman had on his talmidim and community members will be eternal. Besides being an excellent and popular rebbi, he made time to learn with baalei batim and other community rabbeim. He was an amazing husband, a beloved father, and most of all a real eved Hashem.
