NEW YORK (JTA) – Jacob Kornbluh was walking past his synagogue in the Brooklyn neighborhood of Borough Park on Passover when he noticed a light on inside the building. Knowing that the synagogue had been closed as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, he looked inside and saw approximately 40 people praying. “I said to […]

NEW YORK (AP) — As many as 1 million people in New York City may have been exposed to the coronavirus, the city’s health commissioner said Thursday. More than 142,000 people in the city have tested positive for the virus, “but that really is, I think, the tip of the iceberg,” Dr. Oxiris Barbot said. […]

NEW YORK (AP) — The tourists and conventioneers who once filled the rooms of The New Yorker hotel are long gone, driven away by the coronavirus, but its lobby is still bustling. The big, art-deco hotel in midtown Manhattan is one of several across the U.S. that have become barracks for an army of health […]

ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — Former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg will help create a “tracing army” that will help find people infected with the coronavirus and get them into isolation, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Wednesday. New York will coordinate the massive effort with neighboring New Jersey and Connecticut, accounting for the large number of […]

NEW YORK (Agudath Israel Of America) – Orthodox Jews are accustomed to being portrayed unfairly in the media. In challenging times, we prove to be particularly enticing targets. The current crisis, no exception, spawned the usual negativity aimed at our community, presented by writers who cherry picked instances of individuals’ irresponsible actions and portrayed them […]

YONKERS, N.Y. (AP) — A nurse furiously pushes down on a man’s chest as five other staff in full protective gear surround the patient’s bed. Suddenly, one throws up his arms and steps backward. “OK, move! Everybody move!” are the instructions. Moments after they back away, the patient’s heart is shocked, his arm spasms and […]

NEW YORK (VINnews) — In a drastic new move, New York State has instructed emergency services to not revive cardiac patients who have no pulse upon arrival to a medical scene, amid the coronavirus pandemic. Until now, the protocol was to spend 20 minutes working on patients in cardiac arrest. But according to a state […]

NEW YORK (JNS) — New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio authorized on Monday the serving of kosher food at 10 food-distribution sites in Brooklyn and Queens, N.Y., several hours after the Metropolis Council’s Jewish Caucus issued a letter stating that “offering totally free foods to everybody, moreover kosher-preserving New Yorkers, the metropolis is sending […]

NEW YORK (AP) — A Navy hospital ship deployed to New York City to help fight the coronavirus outbreak is no longer needed, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Tuesday, expressing confidence that stresses on the hospital system are easing. Cuomo told MSNBC that the USNS Comfort was helpful, but could now be sent elsewhere after being […]

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump said he and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo agreed in an Oval Office meeting Tuesday to work to double coronavirus testing in the hard-hit state over the next few weeks. “We will work together to help them secure additional tests,” Trump said. “And we hope that this model will […]
