Thanks to the fast response by Boro Park Shomrim, a suspect who smashed the windows of multiple Shuls and Jewish-owned businesses, was taken into custody early this morning. It began when Shomrim received a call on their hotline at around 4:30AM. The caller stated he had just witnessed a man throwing a rock through a storefront at 18th Avenue and 48th Street. Responding Shomrim volunteers canvassed the streets until they found a man on 18th Avenue and East 2nd Street matching the description of the suspect. The caller was brought to the area, and positively identified the suspect. The NYPD was called, and the man was taken into custody on Ocean Parkway and Avenue H.

The following is the back and forth between NYC Myor DeBlasio and reporters regarding the out-of-control fireworks plaguing NYC the past few weeks. Most note-worthy is the Mayor’s response to Veteran Hamodia reporter Reuvain Borchardt. Question from Julia of the NY Post: So first on the fireworks, I understand the importance of, of cutting off the supply at the root, but are police going to do anything to go out and potentially, maybe confiscate fireworks from those who are, are setting them off in neighborhoods and really causing the disruption and the danger to New Yorkers every night? Mayor: So, Julia, I’d say a couple of things.

Mayor Bill de Blasio today established a multi-agency task force to crack down on illegal fireworks sales. The task force will target suppliers, distributors and possessors of large quantities of illegal fireworks by conducting investigations and sting operations within and outside of New York City to disrupt supply chains. The FDNY will also launch a public safety campaign, including public service announcements and social media, to illustrate the dangers of illegal fireworks. The task force will consist of 10 officers from NYPD Intelligence Bureau, 12 FDNY Fire Marshals and 20 members of the Sheriff’s Bureau of Criminal Investigation. “Illegal fireworks are both dangerous and a public nuisance” said Mayor Bill de Blasio.

New York City is changing the “Alternate Side Parking” policy for the first time in 20 years. Mayor DeBlasio announced that effective next week, New Yorkers will only need to move their cars once a week. It is unknown if this police is just until the end of the summer, or this will be the policy going forward. DEVELOPING STORY – REFRESH FOR UPDATES
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After years of secrecy, a contentious leak to a news website and a recent change in state law, New York City’s police watchdog agency disclosed Monday the complaint history for the police officer fired for the 2014 chokehold death of Eric Garner. Records showing former Officer Daniel Pantaleo was the subject of seven misconduct complaints prior to Garner’s death were provided to the Associated Press by the Civilian Complaint Review Board in response to a request under a new state law making police disciplinary files public. Pantaleo’s complaint history was first revealed by the now-defunct website Think Progress in 2017 amid a legal dispute over whether the records could be made public. At the time, state law shielded police personnel files from disclosure.

The New York State Police today announced that Troopers issued 24,980 total traffic tickets during the special “Speed Week” traffic enforcement campaign. “Speed Week,” which was conducted from Thursday, June 11, 2020, to Wednesday, June 17, 2020, targeted speeding and other unsafe driving behaviors, including distracted driving and violations of the Move Over Law. Troopers issued 13,131 tickets for speeding, 574 for distracted driving, 294 for Move Over law violations, and arrested 186 people for drunk and impaired driving. State Police also responded to 158 personal injury crashes, including three fatal crashes. During the June 2019 Speed Week detail, State Police issued 25,097 total tickets, including 13,055 for speeding.

I’ve been notified of several issues this morning at the poll site located at 1600 Avenue L (Murrow High School). in some cases, voters were told that they can’t vote because they “are not in the system” (they were), or that there was “no Congressional race in their district” (there was). If you face a similar issue, contact me immediately at and stand up for your right to vote! We will not tolerate any voter suppression, whether it was intentional or incompetence. To confirm your poll site (it might have changed), check and make sure to vote before 9pm.

A person is in critical condition after they werer struck by vehicle in South Fallsburg. It happened just after 9:30PM on Route 42 near the Mobile Gas Station. The victim is reportedly in traumatic arrest and being treated by Catskills Hatzolah and MobilMedics. A chopper has been launched and landing at the Fallsburg High School.
The post BREAKING: Pedestrian Struck In South Fallsburg With Critical Injuries appeared first on The Yeshiva World.

A few hundred angry new Yorkers showed up to a “noisy” protest in Manhattan late Monday night, sending a “noise message” to Mayor DeBlasio. The residents are furious that DeBlasio has done nothing to stop the fireworks plaguing the city every night until 3-4 in the morning, preventing millions of New Yorkers from being able to sleep. In return, the protesters arrived in their vehicles and honked their horns outside Gracie Mansion, to give the Mayor a taste of what it feels like to not be able to sleep. One of the participants of the protest is NYC Councilmen Chaim Deutsch who gave the following message to YWN: “Tonight we will be sending a message to our Mayor, who has not shown any leadership.

Developers of Zoom Video Communications are working to assist a global program marking the yahrzteit of the Lubavitcher Rebbe ZATZAL, this Wednesday, the third of Tammuz. With restrictions on travel, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, make visiting the Rebbe’s Ohel on the yahrtzeit this year for many of the 50,000 people from all walks of life and around the world, who visit annually, not be possible. Instead, they will be marking the yartzeit by joining the global “Barcheinu Avinu” broadcast coordinated by the Vaad Or Vechom Hiskashrus, an organization dedicated to providing Chassidic inspiration and educational programming to Chabad-Lubavitch communities, this Wednesday, June 24, at 2:30 PM EST.
