(VINnews) — In his now infamous SNL monologue, Dave Chapelle cleverly and strategically tiptoed the line between a satirist poking fun at Jews and an antisemitic bigot. Although he made fun of “The Jews” and came dangerously close to voicing antisemitic tropes about control of Hollywood, Chapelle’s remarks were not antisemitic per se. And yet […]

NEW YORK (Yaakov M / VINnews) — As everyone knows, Rabbonim across the spectrum, from Chassidishe to Litvishe, overwhelmingly endorsed Lee Zeldin for governor. Even though Zeldin lost, I am confident that these Rabbonim did not wake up on Wednesday regretting their decision, nor were they surprised that Zeldin lost. I have not spoken with […]

NEW YORK (VINnews) — In this podcast episode, Yochonon Donn spoke with Yaakov M about Tuesday’s election results. Will Governor Hochul take the needs of the frum community more seriously? Was it a mistake to support Zeldin? Why was there such a record turnout among frum Jews? What were the biggest surprises and takeaways from […]

According to Governor Kathy Hochul, it seems that I have lost my mind. Trying to minimize the crime crisis threatening to derail her campaign, Hochul asserted at a press conference last Monday that the violent crime New Yorkers are daily witnessing on the streets and subways is a figment of their imaginations. The few “high […]

LISTEN TO THE FULL EXCITING INTERVIEW HERE: LISTEN TO A SHORT CLIP OF THE INTERVIEW BELOW: Moshe Hill has been published in the Daily Wire, Queens Jewish Link and Jewish Link of New Jersey. He has lobbied representatives in both Washington, D.C. and Albany, NY on both sides of the aisle. He is a member […]

NEW YORK CITY (VINnews) — Republican Lee Zeldin was the clear winner of Tuesday’s debate. He had strong messaging, focused on issues and substance, was energetic, and most importantly—he repeatedly pointed out that NY State under Governor Kathy Hochul has been a disaster. Hochul, on the other hand, was cold, robotic, and her messaging was […]

(YAAKOV M / VINnews) — Candace Owens, a black conservative media figure who has defended Kanye West, lashed out on social media against a prominent Jew. Rochel Leah Taktuk, daughter of Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, wrote “Don’t mess with the Jews” on social media, clearly referencing Owens’ bogus claims that Kanye’s remarks were not antisemitic. I […]

In his latest Kosher Politics Roundup, Yaakov M discusses: Will the Republicans sweep the midterms? As Election Day draw near, even the leftist fake news media is projecting a bloodbath for the Democrats in the House, and the GOP will take control of the Senate. In a bombshell story, Boston University has developed a highly […]

QUEENS (Yaakov M / VINnews) — Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was humiliated by hecklers Wednesday…at her own town hall! AOC received a taste of her own medicine, as she was yelled at by protesters at a Queens campaign event organized by her campaign. The group started to chant “AOC has got to go” while playing bongo […]

.@Kanye’s antisemitism is vile but unsurprising. @RealCandaceO’s shilling for Kanye is also vile and unsurprising. But what astounds me is that you @benshapiro haven’t said a word about a @realDailyWire network host whose defense of an antisemitic rant deserves rebuke. #SpeakUp pic.twitter.com/4qstR6i1b4 — Dov Hikind (@HikindDov) October 20, 2022 CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THE […]
