In this week’s Behind the Headlines, exclusively for ToI Community members, a pioneering Jewish voice that wrestles with the values of Orthodoxy and feminism

In new book 'Ani Maamin,' Bar-Ilan University prof/Orthodox rabbi Joshua Berman faces crises of faith head on, using academic research to uphold the integrity of the biblical text

Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance offering grants of up to $10,000 a year to synagogues that hire women for newly created positions

Denied ordination from New York's Yeshivat Chovevei Torah after becoming engaged to a man, Daniel Atwood receives it in Israel's capital

Physicians serving hundreds of North American Jewish communities urge parents to drop refusal to inoculate children against measles

Administration invites Orthodox leaders, AIPAC and Republican group, but leaves out Reform, Conservative and Reconstructionist movements, ADL and other organizations
