What Are We Doing About Children Still Not Accepted To Schools?YWN NOTE: There are still approximately 20 girls without a high school to go to in Lakewood, and an unknown number of children still not accepted in primary.
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 “Yeshiva Dollars” Are Burden On FamiliesMany Yeshivos have a policy that you need to purchase Yeshiva Dollars to spend which helps the Yeshiva pull in income. Some Yeshivos have a requirement to spend as much as $10,000 on this program.
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 The Problem With Cholov YisroelDear Readers,
I wish to share with you my personal thoughts on an issue that I have seen and likely many of you have experienced as well, and in fact have read about on occasion before, and feel it is high time to express, discuss, and fairly expediently, resolve.
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 Why Do Camp Rabbeyim Get Paid So Little?Dear fellow brother,
I was shocked and horrified when I found out that my sons camp is paying their Rebbeim the same salary as they were 35 years ago.
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 We Will Not Stand By As Children’s Lives Are Carelessly Put At Stake In The Catskills‘Lo Sa’amod al Dam Rei’echa!’
Our dear Jewish Brothers and Sisters,
We are writing to you out of deep frustration and genuine fear for innocent Jewish children’s lives.

 Outrage Over Ami Magazine Cover StoryDear Rabbi Frankfurter (Editor of Ami Magazine),
I am reaching out to you as an avid Ami fan and subscriber. But I am also reaching out to you as a real estate owner in NYC.
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 Chesed Campaigns Are OUT OF CONTROL!Has there been a recent financial crisis that the media isn’t reporting? Why is it that every day there is another fundraiser being passed around WhatsApp, and every one of them with their own cheshbon why their campaign is unique, unprecedented, historic etc?
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 Are Yeshivas Closing Too Early For Summer Vacation?Dear YWN. I am a proud parent at Yeshiva Torah Vodaath in Flatbush. They sent out this incredible letter which I feel should be widely disseminated. I want to reiterate that I was in no way no way asked to send this to YWN.
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 The Flip SideI write the following letter not as if I know anything more than anyone. Many points in this letter are stated as facts that nobody will disagree with. The final few questions are what’s really troubling me.
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