Study published in Nature holds out hope for patients by pointing to an existing drug that could undergo trials for use in fighting metastases

Patients often report intense upper body pain, thought to be from tumor pressing on nerves; MDs at Israeli hospital find radiotherapy has major benefit, following 4-year research

Diaspora reporter Judah Ari Gross delves into a shocking story out of Poland; health reporter Nathan Jeffay brings us the latest in COVID research and a cancer detection blood test

Method, using special technology to image a single molecule, would be breakthrough for pancreatic cancer, which today cannot be identified by any single diagnostic test

John Lewis lauded for his decades of work campaigning for civil rights ; Anti-Defamation League calls Democratic lawmaker 'our nation’s moral compass'

PJ34, a stroke therapy, is seen to offer 'great potential' for causing the aggressive tumor, as well as others, to self-destruct in humans, Tel Aviv University researchers say

New drug stalls progression of disease for patients who have the BRCA genetic mutations, study by Sheba Medical Center with AstraZeneca and Merck shows