By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for First off – the reader should know that even though it is called Junior Shmiras HaLashon – the work is a masterful work that brings this intricacies of the Chofetz Chaim’s shmiras haLashon to life.  It is highly sophisticated in terms of combining simplicity with accuracy while not glossing […]

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for Reb Yanky was a man that everyone knew, and that no one knew.  Everyone knew and was affected by his extraordinary chessed.  But few knew the width, breadth, depth, relentlessness, and all-encompassing extent and nature of that chessed.  And all five of those adjectives are absolutely true. Rav Chatzkel […]

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for A lawyer once told of a surgeon who lined up his surgeries back-to -back – to back in order to maximize his income.  He would have an assistant close up the stitching as he would move on to the next patient.   The problem was that sometimes problems develop during […]

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for the Sfas Tamim Foundation In late 1998,  Peter Thiel and Max Levchin founded a company called, “PayPal.” (It was originally called Confinity). Venture capital funding allowed it to combine with eBay transaction partnerships, and PayPal quickly shot up to 1 million users after just 15 months.  With Paypal, people can […]

Talmudic Jurisprudence By Maran HaGoan HaRav Mordechai Gifter ZT”L This article by Rav Gifter, zt”l, is as relevant now as it was when it first written and perhaps even more so.  It is about the nature of Torah law, and was published in a journal entitled, “Law in a Troubled World” by the Clevaland College […]

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for There is a great debate about our Yeshiva curriculums that is now raging in both Eretz Yisroel as well as in certain communities in the United States. The debate revolves around the following questions:  Ultimately, what do we want out of our Yeshivos for our children?   Should there be […]

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for teh Sefas Tamim Foundation A young graphic designer living in Eretz Yisroel finally found a position where she could effectively use her talents and hard work in school to make a living.  Her employer seemed to have two businesses.  The first business was that he published and promoted local Yellow […]

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for As people are coming back from camp and vacation, everyone should be checking themselves and their children for ticks.  There is an issue, however, in regard to ticks and Lyme Disease of which some people are entirely unaware.  But first, a side digression that will help us understand the […]

(VINNEWS) – The noted Talmid Chochom, philanthropist and Halachic talk show host – speaks at the Save Maimonides event last night about three people whom he knew who died at Maimonides hospital.

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman There is a great debate out there as to how we should be looking at certain areas of halacha.  Before we get to that debate, however, a brief introduction is in order. Rav God’l Eisner zatzal was the Mashgiach of the Chidushei HaRim Yeshiva in Eretz Yisroel.  In his shiurim on […]
