by Rabbi Yair Hofffman for the Sefas Tamim Foundation HALACHA Please note that some of the details of the question below may have been altered to facilitate the privacy of individuals involved. QUESTION:  I am a Rebbe of some very cute young boys.  Recently, two of the boys made what I deemed to be a […]

By Rabbi W. Wolfe Wernick Presented By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for **Please note:  This author is looking to make a video about the Mir Yeshiva in Poland and is looking for sponsors – if anyone is interested, please email*** In a dark and barely furnished boarding place of the Yeshiva students, over a […]

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for If housekeepers for Shabbos prep and use were free – would more people have them? Their presence would certainly reduce the pressure in many homes. So there is no question that this halacha should be further explored. The Gemara (Beitzah 15b) tells us that money we spend for Shabbos […]

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for His name was Rabbi Theodore Lewis z”l (1915-2010 – yahrtzeit 27 Tishrei).  He was the Rabbi of the Touro Synagogue in Newport, Rhode Island and was a talmid of Rav Yeruchem Levovitz zt”l and Rav Leizer Yudel Finkel zt”l as a student of the Mir Yeshiva.  Later in life, […]

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for Newspapers across New York City have reported on New York Mayor Eric Adams’ new job search for a leader in the city’s war on rats.  Mayor Adams wants someone who is “somewhat bloodthirsty” and committed to the “wholesale slaughter” of vermin. The position is known as the “director of […]

The 1st of 77

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for The Chofetz Chaim writes that of the 248 positive Mitzvos of the 613 Mitzvos in the Torah, there are only 77 that are applicable today.  The Chofetz Chaim writes in his preface to his Sefer HaMitzvos HaKatzar that a person should review these Mitzvos twice a week.  What follows […]

Watch what Reb Roy Neuberger has to say on Kanye West, American culture, the Parsha, and the Mitzvah of Tzipisa Liyeshu’ah

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for This article is an attempt to help us focus and shed light upon a fundamental achrayus, a responsibility, that we all share equally. It is an achrayus which we as a community have not, as of yet, adequately addressed. The fact is that more than 1 in every 2 people […]

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for Imagine an adult playing with children’s toys.  This is us, when we involve ourselves in the pursuit of gashmius – physical luxuires.  Man, a reflection of Hashem’s Divine Image, was meant for much greater things – the pursuit of the ruchnius.  This is just one of many of the […]

(By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for No, this article was not sponsored by one of those fancy sink stores.  But the fact is that a number of people are installing washing stations in their dining area.  It is a great convenience for elderly people, for those with trouble walking, and for, well, the just plain […]
