JERUSALEM (VINnews) — An elderly man was shot dead, and a soldier was seriously wounded in a terror attack Monday morning at Tishbi Junction near Yokne’am.

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman This article is about why Bnei Torah should vote in the WZO elections for the frum slates.  Let’s imagine, that

A Regretful Op-Ed

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman Recently, an op-ed had appeared on VINNEWS regarding the WZO elections that in this author’s view significantly violated the boundaries of respectful discourse.


By Rabbi Yair Hoffman THE CRISIS WE CAN NO LONGER IGNORE Every year in America, we lose approximately 36 pr

Yesterday, second seder at Bais Medrash Govoha was cut short. Thousands of yungeleit were pulled from their gemaras and chaburos. For what? Not to mourn a tragedy.
