by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for Pesach is over and everyone is putting away the Pesach dishes and bringing back the Chometz keilim.  Family members go home.  But – we can continue the joy – which is what Isru Chag is about.  There are four things about it, however, that we should know. The first […]

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for Most people know to avoid Chometz sh’avar alav haPesach – Chometz that was owned by a Jew over Pesach (henceforth – C-Shaap).  How do they do this?  They find out which stores are considered to be Jewish-owned and determine whether the owner sold the Chometz that belonged to them.  […]

NEW YORK (AP) — Shopping for Passover on a recent day at a kosher supermarket in the Hasidic Jewish section of Brooklyn’s Williamsburg neighborhood, Moshe Werzberger worried about how inflation is driving up prices during one of the most important holidays for Jews. “It affects us very much,” said the 23-year-old, who recently canceled plans […]

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for Generally speaking we use an egg and a Matzah for an Eruv Tavshillin.  But should we?  Whatever happened to Hidur Mitzvah – doing a Mitzvah in the best possible way? Let;s come back to this, later. Whenever any day of Yom Tov comes out on a Friday – an […]

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Justice Department is filing an appeal seeking to overturn a judge’s order that voided the federal mask mandate on planes, trains and travel hubs, officials said Wednesday. It came minutes after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention asked the Justice Department to appeal the decision handed down by a federal […]

JERUSALEM (AP) — Palestinians fired several rockets into southern Israel from the Gaza Strip early Thursday as Israeli aircraft hit Gaza militant sites soon after an earlier rocket strike that was the second such attack this week. The cross-border Gaza violence was an extension of Israeli-Palestinian tensions that have been boiling in Jerusalem. The Israeli […]

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for It is estimated that in the 2022 Pesach season there are over 80,000 in Orlando alone. There are more people renting homes for Pesach in various locales throughout Florida and elsewhere than ever before.  Various Pesach programs offer 5 to 12 bedroom homes with pre-kashered kitchens, tent minyanim, and […]

CHOMESH (VINnews) — Several thousand Israelis marched to the dismantled Chomesh settlement in the northern West Bank on Tuesday. Protesters demanded that the government leave the Chomesh yeshiva intact, and not harm the Jewish communities of Shomron. The Rosh Yeshiva of Chomesh, Rabbi Elishama Cohen, as well as the families of terror victims Yehuda Dimentman […]

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for Yes, it is true. Six Hamas terrorist were killed and 7 were foiled because of Matzah and a Teshuvas HaRashba (Volume 7 #20). **Please help an almanah with yesomim whose parked car was smashed and she has no means of transportation** It happened almost eight years ago, in […]
