Political reporter Tal Schneider and diplomatic correspondent Lazar Berman discuss nuclear negotiations in Vienna, Lapid's trip to Europe and President Herzog's first six months

US correspondent Jacob Magid assesses Israel's role in stopping Tehran from attaining nuclear capability; reporter Amy Spiro looks at Hanukkah's burgeoning place in popular culture

Military correspondent Judah Ari Gross discusses defense minister's trip to Rabat; environmental reporter Sue Surkes looks at pipeline company shenanigans and plans for marinas

Times of Israel editor David Horovitz discusses Iran talks and Bennett; Startup Israel editor Ricky Ben-David talks about the Omicron effect and the dollar-shekel rate

Health and science reporter Nathan Jeffay and senior analyst Haviv Rettig Gur discuss the new coronavirus strain and what it means for Israel

Rapper Samekh Zakout and educator Uriya Rosenman talk about the impetus for their Dugri rap project

Environmental correspondent Sue Surkes unpacks Israel's new bottle recycling system and maritime plans, while reporter Emanuel Fabian discusses disturbing sexual abuse allegations

NEW YORK (VINnews) — Today, Aland and Baila from the VINnews podcast ‘The Definitive Rap’ interviewed Dr. Marc Straus to talk about his book, One-Legged Mongoose: Secrets, Legacies, and coming of Age in 1950’s New York. And just in time for Chanukah! When you first started reading his book, it reads something like, ‘The Goldberg’s’ […]

Arab affairs reporter Aaron Boxerman on the pledge to permit long-restricted Palestinian 4G cell service; editor David Horovitz on the rise and fall of Atarot's Jerusalem Airport

Political reporter Tal Schneider on Nir Hefetz's bombshell revelations in Case 4000; US correspondent Jacob Magid on the future of the Abraham Accords and the visa waiver program
