US correspondent Jacob Magid discusses his recent interview with the PA's ambassador to the UN and Emanuel Fabian assesses fresh violence in Jerusalem and the West Bank
Arab affairs writer Aaron Boxerman and political correspondent Tal Schneider discuss planned funding for Arab cities and minister Elazar Stern's document-shredding misstep
WASHINGTON (VINnews) — Over the last few weeks, the Democrats in Congress tried to pass a $3.5 Trillion billion bill. This bill would devastate the US economy. At the same time, a number of the more progressive extremists in Congress attempted to block Iron Dome funding for Israel to replenish their supplies, after the 4000 […]
Diplomatic correspondent Lazar Berman on Bahrainis' trip to Israel and Japanese diplomacy as ToI editor David Horovitz discusses Lebanon, Ron Arad, Cyprus and soccer
ToI editor David Horovitz, Ops chief Miriam Herschlag and arts writer Jessica Steinberg discuss virus cases, US policy on Iran and a Palestinian drama that swept the Ophir awards
Startup Israel editor Ricky Ben-David on the Israeli housing price crisis and Arab affairs correspondent Aaron Boxerman on the Arab-Israeli conversation regarding internal violence
Breaking news editor Emanuel Fabian speaks about using the security service to stanch intra-Arab violence; environmental reporter Sue Surkes discusses Chevron court case, Arava oil
Diplomatic correspondent Lazar Berman on Foreign Minister Lapid's recent trip to Manama and political writer Tal Schneider on what to expect on the Knesset's first day back
NEW YORK (VINnews) — Last year, while most Shuls had limited and restricted Minyanim from Rosh Hashana through Simchas Torah, this year, most shuls were open for business, albeit with some cautionary guidelines. A year ago, we were still in the “mask” and social distancing zone, this year, we sat near each other. Yet, as […]
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