Former President Donald Trump announced via his Truth Social network that he will meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tomorrow at the Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida. While Trump did not specify the exact time of the meeting, it is expected to occur after Netanyahu’s speech to Congress, scheduled to begin at 2 p.m. Washington time (9 p.m. Israel time). Trump highlighted his previous term’s achievements, stating, “During my first term, we had Peace and Stability in the Region, even signing the Abraham Accords – And we will have it again.” He also criticized Vice President Kamala Harris, saying, “millions are dying, and Kamala Harris is in no way capable of stopping it.” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

BIKE4KEF, an iconic event in North West London’s calendar which took place this past Sunday, remains fresh in the community’s mind. This year’s slogan, “TIME4KEF,” highlighted the multifaceted nature of KEF, providing families of children with disabilities with essential TIME for respite. Our incredible army of volunteers generously give of their TIME, providing the children with TIME for fun, friendship and support. BIKE4KEF is the annual TIME for members of the community to come together to ride, fundraise and support KEF. Over 260 cyclists dedicated their TIME and effort to participate in this year’s ride, choosing from three routes—50km, 100km, and 100 miles. Together, they covered more than 21,000km, each pedal stroke supporting KEF.

Following the report on Tuesday that the IDF is sending orders to thousands of Chareidim on Sunday, the Moetzet Chachmei HaTorah of Shas issued instructions to Sephardi bochurim not to respond to draft orders at all. In recent days, the members of the Moetzet held a number of meetings about the issue. According to a Kikar H’Shabbat report, the Sephardi Rabbanim fear that the IDF will avoid starting up with Chassidish bochurim and send most of the draft notices to Sephardi bochurim who “are easier to draft.” On Wednesday, the Moetzet issued instructions that as long as no Chareidi draft law regulates the status of bnei yeshivos, bochurim should not respond at all to recruitment orders, not even to the first summons, and shouldn’t report to induction centers.

A shocking revelation has emerged in the aftermath of the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump on Saturday. According to Senator John Barrasso (R-WY), law enforcement identified the gunman as suspicious over an hour before the shooting occurred. The individual was reportedly seen with a rangefinder and backpack, raising concerns among authorities. Despite this early identification, the Secret Service failed to act, and the gunman was able to open fire, narrowly missing Trump. Barrasso expressed outrage and disbelief, stating, “You would think over the course of that hour, you shouldn’t lose sight of the individual. Somebody ought to be following up on those sorts of things.

The tzibur is requested to daven for the Skulener Rebbe Shlita, who was admitted to the hospital on Tuesday after feeling weak. The Rebbe has developed pneumonia and is currently in the ICU at Cornell Hospital. The Rebbe’s name for tehillim is HaRav Shaya Yaakov Ben Reizel for a Refuah Shelaima. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Israel’s State Attorney’s Office on Sunday indicted former MK Dr. Michael Ben Ari of incitement to racism due to statements he wrote against Arab terrorism. The indictment was submitted with the approval of Attorney-General Gali Baharav-Miara. The indictment comes after six years in which Ben Ari, who founded Otzma Yehudit, was interrogated for statements and posts on social media in which he denounced Arab terrorism, including chillingly prescient statements predicting the October 7th massacre. Ben Ari wrote in 2018: “Gaza is a roadside bomb that will explode on us… it’s 64 kilometers of border. They’re seeking to enter the yishuvim…Kfar Aza, Nahal Oz, Be’eri, Alumim, Ein Shlosha, Re’im. The Arabs will burn their fields, try to burn their houses.

Alphabet, the parent company of Google, is in advanced negotiations to acquire cybersecurity startup Wiz for approximately $23 billion, a person familiar with the matter revealed on Sunday. This potential deal would represent Alphabet’s largest acquisition to date. The acquisition, primarily funded in cash, could be finalized soon, according to the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity. Wiz, founded in Israel and headquartered in New York, is a rapidly growing software startup that provides cloud-based cybersecurity solutions powered by artificial intelligence. If completed, the deal would be a rare instance of a major technology company pursuing a significant acquisition under the heightened regulatory scrutiny of the sector during the Biden administration. U.S.

The Russian army has suffered its highest rate of losses since the start of its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, with over 70,000 soldiers likely killed or wounded in May and June alone, according to the UK Defense Ministry. In its daily update, the ministry attributed the increase in losses to Russia’s expansion of its offensive in the Kharkiv region, while maintaining pressure along the entire 1,000-kilometer front line in eastern and southern Ukraine. Despite attempts to stretch the frontline, Russia’s tactical successes have been limited due to effective Ukrainian defenses and a lack of Russian training.

Haifa Mayor Yona Yahav spoke on Monday about the possible scenario of a full-scale war with Hezbollah and how his city is preparing for it. Speaking on Radio North 104.5FM, he said: “We’re doing everything so that the city itself and the residents are safe and know what to do in the case of falling missiles – and they are more accurate missiles than those of 2006.” “We are now changing the entire method of building parking lots. We’re preparing them for a long stay because according to estimates, we’ll be sitting in shelters and parking lots for at least four consecutive days. That requires preparation – for example, installing bathrooms.

A ceasefire-hostage deal brokered by the US seems within reach, the Washington Post reported on Wednesday evening. The report quoted a senior US official who said on Wednesday that “the framework is agreed” and the parties are now “negotiating details of how it will be implemented.” The agreement consists of a three-stage resolution, with the first state a six-week ceasefire, during which Hamas will release 33 Israeli hostages – all female and wounded hostages and men over 50 – in exchange for the release of hundreds of Palestinian terrorists and a withdrawal of IDF troops from densely populated areas toward the eastern border of Gaza. The report added that Israel and Hamas both agreed to an “interim governance” plan that would begin with Phase 2.
